
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mnbv808
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随着经济的发展及城市化进程加快,我国各城市的园林景观文化差异慢慢缩小,园林设计也越来越简单,普遍都存在割裂传统、盲目求新、形式类同的现象,致使园林景观没有了原本该有的地域文化特色。因此,在实际的园林景观设计当中不能知识对建筑设计加强重视,而是需要在实际的设计当中将地域文化进行表现出来,因为城市的不同其地域文化也是不同的,这样不但能够将园林景观的内容实现优化,使得地域文化实现一定的生动性以及活泼性,还能够将其地域文化有效的表现出来,对地域文化的特点很好的表现。因此本文主要就对园林景观设计中的地域文化相关方面做好分析以及探讨。 With the development of economy and the speeding-up of urbanization, the differences of landscape culture in different cities of our country are gradually narrowing. The design of gardens is also getting simpler and simple. There is a common phenomenon of fragmentation, blindness and innovation, There is no original geographical and cultural characteristics. Therefore, in the actual garden landscape design can not be knowledge of architectural design to pay more attention to, but need to be in the actual design of the regional culture will be manifested because of the different urban culture is also different, so not only can landscape The content is optimized so that the local culture can achieve some vividness and vivacity. It can also effectively display its regional culture and display the characteristics of the regional culture well. Therefore, this article mainly analyzes and discusses the related aspects of regional culture in landscape design.
一、有机物的分子组成特点 例1 在烷烃分子中的基团:-CH,、-CH2-、(?) 、(?)中的碳原子分别称为伯、仲、叔、季碳原子,其数目分别用n1、n2、n3、n4表示.例如: I. Molecular
四平市建设工程交易中心成立6年。经过不懈的努力,在规范有形建筑市场、遏制工程招投标中的腐败行为方面发挥了积 Siping City Construction Engineering Trading Center wa
在整个砼结构中,钢筋保护层起着不可忽视的重要作用。 Throughout the concrete structure, steel protection layer plays an important role can not be ignored.
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