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我必须承认,我的阅读是从黑夜开始的。阅读使我认识了时间和世界上的事物。如果选择,夜晚是阅读最合适的季节。白天的喧嚣与忙碌停泊在夜的港湾,世俗的杂念像触礁的海轮沉入夜的大海。我们打开一本书,纸上的语言活了,人物立起来了,我们加入他们的舞蹈行列,体验着他们的喜怒哀 I must admit that my reading started from the dark of night. Reading made me acquainted with the time and the things in the world. If you choose, the night is the best season to read. During the day the hustle and bustle of the harbor at night, secular miscellaneous like reefs of the sea sink into the night sea. We open a book, the language of the paper is alive, the characters stand up, and we join their ranks in the dance, experiencing their emotions
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当时代将档案工作带入2000年之时 ,人们在惊呼我国50年来档案事业所取得的辉煌成就的同时 ,也十分关注档案工作目前的生存状态 ,分析档案工作面临的各种现实或潜在的社会影响 ,试图
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每个人都有每个人的内心世界,里面的心路历程是相当复杂的,没有人能够深切洞悉。所以,有些思想感情,你永远也无法说清。 Everyone has everyone’s inner world, which is a
‘所谓的幸福就是在一个恰当的地方,过着合适的生活。幸福只是一种状态,根本不加外求,就像造句一样。’ The so-called happiness is in a suitable place, living a suitab
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正如估分时所预料的那样,这次我果然落榜了——甚至连普通高校也没能考取。我把这次惨败的主要原因归咎于我父亲,要不是临考前那天晚上无意中听到 As expected at the time