Azo-salicylaldehyde Schiff base-typed receptors containing an acidic H-bond donor moiety were syn-thesized and characterized. The UV-Vis data indicate that these receptors could act as selective col-orimetric sensors for basic anions and acidic species hydrogen sulfate by different color changes in a water-containing medium. The experiment of Brφnsted acid-base reaction by adding the sodium hy-droxide or perchloric acid revealed that the mechanism of recognition of anions might be deprotona-tion/protonation of the OH fragments by interacting with different anions and that the deprotona-tion/protonation process is fully reversible. The deprotonation/protonation of the receptors is respon-sible for the dramatic color change.
Azo-salicylaldehyde Schiff base-typed receptors containing an acidic H-bond donor moiety were syn-the sized and characterized. The UV-Vis data indicate that these receptors could act as selective col-orimetric sensors for basic anions and acidic species hydrogen sulfate by different color changes in a water-containing medium. The experiment of Brφnsted acid-base reaction by adding the sodium hy-droxide or perchloric acid revealed that the mechanism of recognition of anions might be deprotona- tion / protonation of the OH fragments by interacting with different anions and that the deprotona- tion / protonation process is fully reversible. The deprotonation / protonation of the receptors is respon-sible for the dramatic color change.