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卫生工作涉及千家万户,事关人民群众的身体健康和生命安全。群众的日常生活、工作、学习离不开卫生服务,经济发展和社会稳定也离不开健康保障。因此,党的十六大把提高全民族的健康素质作为全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标之一,要求我们“建立适应新形势要求的卫生服务体系和医疗保健体系,着力改善农村医疗卫生状况,提高城乡居民的医疗保健水平”。改革开放以来,四川卫生事业在扩大医疗卫生服务范畴、卫生(管理)体制和运营机制等方面不断加大改革力度,取得了新的成绩。然而,四川卫生事业与全国平均水平以及人民群众不断增长的卫生和健康需求相比,仍有较大差距,医疗卫生事业发展相对滞后。因此,加快卫生事业的改革与发展,特别是构建公共卫生体系就显得尤为重要和紧迫。全省卫生系统只有坚持新时期的卫生工作方针,解放思想,与时俱进,坚定不移地推进卫生管理体制、卫生服务体系以及卫生监督体制的改革和创新,才能真正把保护和增进人民健康落到实处。 Health work involves millions of households, related to the people’s health and life safety. The daily life, work and study of the masses can not be separated from health services, and economic development and social stability can not be separated from their health protection. Therefore, the 16th National Party Congress to improve the health of the entire nation as one of the goals of building a moderately prosperous society requires that we “establish a system of health services and health care system that meets the requirements of the new situation, strive to improve the status of rural health care and improve Urban and rural residents in the level of medical care. ” Since the reform and opening up, the health sector in Sichuan has continuously increased its efforts in expanding the scope of health care services, health (management) system and operation mechanism, and has made new achievements. However, there is still a big gap between the health undertakings in Sichuan and the national average as well as the growing health and wellbeing needs of the people, and the development of the medical and health undertaking lags behind. Therefore, it is particularly important and urgent to speed up the reform and development of health undertakings, especially the construction of a public health system. Only by adhering to the guidelines for health work in the new era, emancipating the mind and advancing with the times can the province’s health system unswervingly promote the reform and innovation of the health management system, the health service system and the health inspection system so as to truly protect and promote people’s health In fact.
10月下旬 ,我回家乡福建采访 ,在厦门 ,从报上看到10月21~25日惠安中国雕艺城成功举办了第三届中国泉州 (惠安 )石雕石材国际展示会的消息。说起惠安 ,人们自然会联想到衣着独具魅力神
江泽民同志在党的十六大报告中提出 ,本世纪头20年经济建设和改革的主要任务是走新型工业化道路 ,大力实施科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略。结合巢湖实际 ,我们认为 :夯实基础 ,
据有关资料分析 ,福建省在1996年、全国在1997年就已跨入工业化大门 ,闽西工业经过多年的发展虽然取得了很大成绩 ,但与工业化的标准相比 ,无论从总量、结构还是企业内在素质方面均存