创新机制 跨越发展 全面推进县级绩效预算管理制度改革

来源 :预算管理与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyuwu21
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我县是河北省2015年财政绩效预算改革试点县。为确保改革顺利推进,根据省财政厅关于深化预算管理制度改革、实施绩效预算管理的总体部署,县政府及时印发了《关于实施绩效预算管理改革的意见》(吴政字[2015]89号),从编制2016年预算开始,所有部门全面推进绩效预算改革,全部实现了向绩效预算的转变。一、初步成效经过努力探索与实践,全县深化绩效预算管理改革实现良好开局,构建起了较为科学的绩效预算 My county is Hebei Province in 2015 fiscal performance budget reform pilot counties. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the reform, the county government promptly issued the Opinions on the Implementation of Performance Budget Management Reform (Wu Zheng Zi [2015] No. 89) according to the overall arrangements made by the Provincial Department of Finance to deepen the reform of the budget management system and implement the performance budget management. Starting from the preparation of the 2016 budget, all departments fully implemented the performance budget reform and fully realized the shift to the performance budget. First, the initial results After hard exploration and practice, the county deepen the reform of performance budget management to achieve a good start, to build a more scientific performance budget
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