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“恭喜发财”是人们见面时常用的祝福话,借此表达国富民强的美好期盼。改革开放20多年来,我们党和政府鼓励一部分人先富起来,最后达到共同富裕。但是如何对待财富,则是一个极其现实的理智的问题。所以,笔者以为,发财过程中至少应注意四个问题:发财要发善财要靠合法途径、靠自己的诚实劳动、靠自己的敬业守法经营来发财,也就是“君子爱财,取之有道”。这样的发财值得恭喜。靠贪脏枉法发横财,靠不仁不义发黑财,则应该受到鞭挞和严惩。发财要善舍财有了钱要赡养父母,抚养儿女,尽到自己的义务和责任,不能财大气粗,恣意妄为。有人提倡将钱的消费分割为5部分,即生活必需、必需积蓄、孝敬父母、乐善好施、投资。劳动致富了,钱该怎么花,当然是个人的自由,但热心公益、扶危济困、修桥补路、捐资办学、绿化山林、治理荒漠的善举,尤其令人称道。发财要善用财“全国扶贫状元”张少华1995年5 “Congratulations fortune ” is the greetings often used when people meet, to express the good hope of the country rich people strong. Over the past 20 years and more since the reform and opening up, our party and government have encouraged some people to get rich first and eventually achieve common prosperity. But how to treat the wealth is an extremely realistic and rational problem. Therefore, I believe that the process of making money should pay attention to at least four issues: to make a fortune to make good money by a legitimate way, by their honest work, by their own dedicated law-abiding business to make a fortune, that is, Youdao “. Such a fortune deserves to be congratulated. Vulnerable by vilification of law to make a fortune, relying on injustice to make money, you should be whipped and severely punished. Make a fortune to make good fortune Choi has money to support their parents, raise children, do their duty and responsibility, can not be rich and powerful, wantonly. Some people advocate dividing the consumption of money into five parts, that is, necessities of life, savings, honoring their parents, being charity and investing. Labor has become wealthy. How money should be spent is, of course, an individual's freedom. However, it is particularly commendable to be charity enthusiast, to help the poor, to repair bridges, to donate money for running schools, to greening forests and deserts. Make a fortune to make good use of wealth ”national champion " Zhang Shaohua 1995 5
我是《少年科学》的“铁杆”读者,对于每一期《少年科学》我都津津有味地阅读。有一些知识我还能在课上用到。伙伴们都争着要看。希望《少年科学》越办越好! I am a “hard
在语文课本中,选编了一些古今中外的寓言。寓言情节简单,有生动的形象性,适合同学们阅读。那么,如何学好寓言呢? In Chinese textbooks, we have compiled some ancient an
Chloride diffusion coefficient and water penetration depth of 3 types concrete were studied. The experimental results show that the concrete permeability decrea
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