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桃花山公园五一期间对广大市民和游人开放,成为章丘市又一个风景亮点。吃过晚饭,我和先生携手去游桃花山公园。华灯初上夜未央,来往行人多匆忙。从开发区到老城区中心,徒步行走距离虽说远点,但我们还是兴致勃勃,穿过条条街道,来到公园东南门口。这里是公园的侧门,门外有个小型活动场所,平时常有老人领着孩子来这里活动,游乐。今晚此处人影稀疏,电动自行车却摆了不少,也有几辆小汽车,看样子人们也都是奔公园而来。事实上也正如此,三三两两的大人小孩,相互招呼着往公园大门里行走,急不可耐的小孙子,忙不停地催促步履蹒跚的老奶奶快点走。我定睛细看,虽然门口“桃花山公园”五个大字被灯光映照得格外醒目,但里面却是灯火隐约,有些幽暗,只是大门侧的一条小河还有些意境。但见它被一道霓虹波光牵引着似乎延伸到了天边,那远处串串灯 Peach Blossom Spring Park opened to the public on May 1 and become Zhangqiu City, another scenic spot. After dinner, my husband and I go hand in hand to visit Peach Blossom Hill Park. Chinese lantern at night was not central, more and more pedestrians. From the development zone to the center of the old city, although we are far away from home by walking, we are still in high spirits, walking through the streets and going to the south-east entrance of the park. Here is the park’s side door, there is a small outdoor activities outside the venue, usually the elderly often lead children to come here to play, play. Sparse tonight here, electric bicycles have placed a lot, but also a few cars, it seems people are also from the park. In fact, the same is true. The parents and the children of two thousand three hundred twenty-two are greeted each other walking toward the park gate, impatient grandson, busy urging the faltering grandmother hurry to go. I look closely, although the door “Peach Blossom Hill Park ” five characters are particularly striking the light reflected, but inside it is the dim light, some gloomy, but the door side of a small river there are some mood. But seeing that it was drawn by a neon light seemed to extend to the horizon, and the string of lights went further
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本期刊载戴再平的关于开放题教学与考试的文章,希望能有更多的人来关注这一课题. 1990年代以来,中国数学教育发生了许多重大变化.其中“开放题及其教学”的研究与实践,颇为
目的评价本院治疗Ig A肾病的用药合理性,为其合理使用提供建议。方法采用用药频度分析性法对本院2013~2015年3年期间的共242张临床诊断为Ig A肾病的处方进行用药合理性分析。
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