New method for signal encryption using blind source separation based on subband decomposition

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ct32845359
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A novel cryptosystem based on subband decomposition independent component analysis(SDICA)is proposed in this work,where no assumption of independence for the ciphers and the plaintexts is required.In the proposed cryptosystem,the encryption is asynchronous,i.e.the plaintexts are mixed mutually firstly and then mixed with the ciphers.In addition,the decryption is asynchronous,such that the decryption accuracy of the plaintexts can be enhanced.Some special information about the original mixing matrix is used for solving the indeterminacy of the permutation and scale of columns of the recovered mixing matrix in SDICA,instead of the characteristics of the plaintexts.Simulations are given to illustrate security and availability of our cryptosystem. A novel cryptosystem based on subband decomposition independent component analysis (SDICA) is proposed in this work, where no assumption of independence for the ciphers and the plaintexts is required. In the proposed cryptosystem, the encryption is asynchronous, iethe plaintexts are and then mixed with the ciphers. addition, the decryption is asynchronous, such that the decryption accuracy of the plaintexts can be enhanced.Some special information about the original mixing matrix is ​​used for solving the indeterminacy of the permutation and scale of columns of the recovery mixing matrix in SDICA, instead of the characteristics of the plaintexts. Simulations are given to illustrate security and availability of our cryptosystem.
《四季》是维瓦尔弟(AntDnio Vivaldi1678—1741)的器乐作品。维瓦尔弟是意大利的小提琴演奏家和作曲家,他写了大约450首协奏曲(现存的),23首交响曲,75首独奏或三重奏呜曲,4
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秋季气候干燥,很容易引起鼻腔内干燥、鼻塞,甚至鼻出血。揪额头的方法不仅可以有效地防止鼻部干燥,使鼻腔内的黏液分泌增加,保持鼻腔的湿润,还可预防鼻出血、鼻炎以及感冒等疾病。  额头部,两眉头中间有印堂穴,用屈曲的拇指和食指轻轻地揪印堂穴,并做轻柔和缓的揉动,以局部感觉发麻、发胀为宜。一般揪揉2分钟。揪印堂穴可增加鼻黏膜上皮细胞的增生能力,促进黏液分泌,保持鼻腔湿润,而且刺激嗅觉细胞,使嗅觉灵敏。