
来源 :吉林勘察设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsq650
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衷心祝贺《吉林勘察设计》发行100期!作为吉林省设计领域最权威、最有影响的出版物,为全省广大勘察设计从业者、行业管理部门提供了一个展示、交流和服务的平台。多年来,在各级领导的关怀和支持下,在协会工作人员的共同努力下,《吉林勘察设计》为吉林省的勘察设计工作做出了突出贡献,杂志也得到了广大从业人员的信任和喜爱。在老工业基地建没时期,吉林省勘察设计水平处于全国较先进水平,涌现出“长春十大建筑”等 Sincerely, I would like to congratulate Jilin Survey and Design for releasing 100 issues. As the most authoritative and influential publication in the field of design in Jilin Province, it provides a platform for the survey, design practitioners and industry management departments across the province to display, exchange and serve. Over the years, with the care and support of the leaders at all levels and with the joint efforts of the staff of the association, “Jilin Survey and Design” made outstanding contributions to the survey and design work in Jilin Province. The magazine has also gained the trust of the vast numbers of practitioners. favorite. In the old industrial base was built, Jilin Province survey and design level in the more advanced level, emerged “Changchun ten buildings” and so on
本文报导了 1999年 10月 25日至 28日在北京举行的第八届分析测试学术报告会及展览会学术报告会的会况,包括全体大会和各学科分组会,电子显微学、质谱学、光谱学、磁共振学、色谱学及电分
时间:早晨地点:某幼儿园门前人物:老师(一人);奶奶,贝贝(女孩);爸爸,陶陶(男孩);妈妈,强强(男孩);妈妈,微微(女孩) [一轮红日冉冉升起,录音机里播放着欢快的幼儿歌曲,并夹杂
故障现象:X线、高能电子线模式下控制台出现SYST联锁灯亮出,S3板MODULATOR联锁灯熄,调制器HVPS0/C、CLIPPER0/C联锁灯熄;进一步观察去离子水位下降过快。故障分析:MODULATOR、HVPS0/C.CLIPPER0/C联锁灯熄, Symptom: X-ray, high-energy electron
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