
来源 :仪表技术与传感器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WarmAir1982
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国家传感器技术发展政策工作会议1987年6月12日~17日在厦门市召开。国家机械委、电子部、厦门市经委的有关负责人以及28个单位的代表共41各同志出席了会议。国家机械委副总工程师郭志坚同志到会讲了话。 会议对传感器技术发展政策的起草工作进行了小结,对在起草过程中给予大力支持和帮助的有关 The National Sensor Technology Development Policy Working Conference was held in Xiamen City from June 12th to 17th, 1987. A total of 41 comrades from the National Machinery Commission, the Ministry of Electronics, the relevant person in charge of the Xiamen Economic Commission and representatives of 28 units attended the meeting. Comrade Guo Zhijian, deputy chief engineer of the National Machinery Commission, spoke at the meeting. The meeting summarized the drafting of the sensor technology development policy and related to the strong support and assistance in the drafting process.
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对轴承行业创优工作效果、如何申报优质产品等问题,作了较详细的解答。 A more detailed answer was given to the issues of the excellence of the bearing industry and
本文从锻造生产各环节入手,着重就锻造、加热设备两大耗能源的节约,较详细地论述了拖拉机行业锻造生产的各种节能途径。 This article starts with the forging production
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The Chinese National Committee on Large Dams is honoured to be the host of ICOLD 55th Executive Meeting in Beijing from 18 to 23 May 1987,by the accep- The Ch