改进住宅设计 节约建设用地

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今后,随着国民经济的新跃进和城市建设的发展,住宅的建设任务将相应地增长。这就要求有关领导注意住宅的设计和研究工作。 在住宅的规划设计工作中,值得深入研究与探讨的问题很多,例如:改进住宅单体设计,节约住宅建筑用地问题;住宅的层数问题;住宅区的合理规划问题等。这些问题十分重要,它是涉及到全国各城市的一个方针问题。 本刊这一期发表张开济同志的文章,他对住宅的层数、型式和节约用地问题进行了论述,并提出了具体的设计方案,可供各地研究住宅设计问题时参考,同时希望大家遵照“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针,对住宅设计,住宅区规划问题展开讨论,提出新设想、新方案,并重视试验,以促进学术交流,提高设计水平,加快住宅建设的速度。 In the future, with the new leap of the national economy and the development of urban construction, the task of housing construction will increase accordingly. This requires the leaders concerned to pay attention to the design and research of the housing. In the planning and design of houses, there are many issues that are worth in-depth study and discussion, such as: improving the design of residential monoliths, saving the problem of residential construction land; the number of residential floors; the problem of reasonable planning of residential areas. These issues are very important. It is a policy issue that involves all cities in the country. In this issue of the magazine, published articles by Comrade Zhang Kaiji, he discusses the number of floors, types of buildings, and land-saving issues, and proposes specific design proposals that can be used for reference when studying residential design issues around the country. The principle of “hundred flowers blossoming and a hundred schools of thought contend” will discuss residential design and residential area planning, propose new ideas and plans, and attach importance to experimentation to promote academic exchanges, raise the level of design, and speed up the construction of housing.
受年龄和知识面的限制,小学生在课堂中往往不能把握教学重点,不敢向教师提问,或者乱提问的现象时有发生,导致难以保障教学质量,也不能真正提高学生的综合素质及解决问题的能力。如何在課堂教学中正确引导学生提出问题,成为教师一直关注的问题。笔者认为,引导学生提问,不是即兴的,而是在平时的训练中逐渐培养出来的。  一、对课题进行提问  俗话说:“题好文一半。”课题是文章的眼睛,经常推敲课题,有利于提高学生把握
在建国三十周年之际,首都国际航站楼即将建成。这项工程是敬爱的周总理亲自审定的,总理指出设计要“经济,适用,朴素,明朗”。 首都国际机场是在原有机场的基础上扩建的,逐步
本文简化作一般弹塑性模型——塑性强化、塑性软化、理想塑性,给出了深埋圆形峒室在等围压下的应力、位移、塑性半径的解答. This paper simplifies the general elasto-pla