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第二,内容上的针对性。这里包括两层意思:一是指作者稿件的内容应来自实践,应贴近教育实际,切合读者需要;二是指稿件内容要符合报刊各自的发稿要求,包括报刊各自的设计和编排要求。报刊是办给读者看的,编者总是站在读者一边,为读者选稿编稿的。所以,作者们也应增强读者意识,让你的稿件为读者提供尽可能多的帮助。为此,作者似应把握如下三个方面的情况:1.要了解教育教学改革和发展过程中需要探讨和解决的事关全局或 Second, the content of the targeted. This includes two meanings: First, the content of the manuscript should come from practice, should be close to the actual education, reader needs; Second, the contents of the manuscript to meet their press requirements, including the design and layout of their respective press requirements. The press is for the reader to read, the editor is always on the reader side, for the readers to select the manuscript. Therefore, the authors should also raise readers’ awareness and make your manuscripts provide readers with as much help as possible. To this end, the author seems to grasp the following three aspects: 1. To understand the education and teaching reform and development process needs to be explored and solved the overall situation or
普及科技知识,以宣传唯物论、无神论为根本; Popularize scientific knowledge, advocate materialism and atheism as fundamental;
在我珍藏的134本《新体育》中,1992年第4期,是最宝贵的。因为这本杂志不是花钱买来的,而是“骗”来的。在当时当地,也算是孤本吧。 Among the 134 new sports that I have
迈着改革开放的豪迈步伐,我们跨入了本世纪的最后一年——1999年。 回首以往,我们感慨万千,深深体会到:知识就是力量!1980年《铁道知识》作为铁路唯一的科普期刊,在改革开放
一.最喜欢阅读的三篇文章是:1.中国乒乓大阪惊风雷2.刘国正:玩的就是心跳3.翻开底牌看国球 One of the most like to read the three articles are: 1. China Ping Pong Osa
本文界定了特殊教育高中阶段“普职融通”的概念,论述了特殊教育高中阶段“普职融通”实施的必要性。 This article defines the concept of “universal vocational educat
□读不尽的杜拉斯    “一个爱情故事远比上床45次重要……”讲这话的人叫玛格丽特·杜拉斯,是位在两次婚姻之外屡爱屡败,又在66岁时爱上比自己小40多岁的大学男生扬·安德烈亚,并与之恩怨纠葛16载,直至还差一个月就年满84岁时死于酒精中毒的法国女作家。  年少时光,我第一次接触杜拉斯的作品,便是读她的小说《情人》。后来她这本薄薄的小书仅在我国大陆就陆续出版了十数个译本,我也就只好随之一路“情人”下
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