Five-Way Consensus

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  The Eighth BRICS Summit, held on October 15-16 in Goa, India, focused on the economic issues BRICS nations face and looked for collective and collaborative ways to address them.
  The summit brought together the leaders of all five BRICS member states—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The theme of this year’s summit was, “Building responsive, inclusive and collective solutions.”
  The Goa Declaration, produced at the summit, exemplifies the five nations’ strong desire for cooperation. The leaders emphasized the importance of further strengthening BRICS solidarity and cooperation based on common interests and key priorities. They also pledged to further strengthen the BRICS’ strategic partnership “in the spirit of openness, solidarity, equality, mutual understanding, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation.”
  These statements are relevant given that the BRICS countries face similar issues such as slowing economic growth and structural problems. They also have to deal with complicated international and regional environments. In this context, doubts have emerged as to whether their cooperation is sustainable.
  At the Goa summit, the leaders exchanged views on issues of common concern and reached broad consensus. This indicates the five countries’ determination to confront challenges together. This firm resolve, coupled with concrete programs in fields ranging from infrastructure connectivity to media communication, will open up new possibilities.
  Moreover, BRICS collaboration can be sus- tained, as the bloc’s members seek to dovetail their development strategies and make the most of their respective advantages. Notably, China’s Belt and Road Initiative will help cement the bonds between the five emerging markets. The BRICS New Development Bank has also laid the groundwork for long-term partnership.
  As the world transitions to a more just, democratic and multipolar international order, the five nations are poised to strengthen the coordination of their efforts on global issues. Mindful of the shared interests of developing countries, the BRICS are devoted to improving global governance. With a profound shift underway, their common ground is bound to expand.
  Chinese President Xi Jinping’s five proposals at the summit—jointly building an open world, mapping out a vision for the future, confronting global challenges, safeguarding equity and justice, and deepening partnerships—resonated with the other BRICS leaders. Xi’s proposals reflect China’s endorsement of synergy among these nations as well as a commitment to common, peaceful and equitable development worldwide.
  China supports BRICS cooperation and regards joint action by the bloc as an important objective of its own diplomacy. The nation will host the Ninth BRICS Summit next year. The confidence shown and incremental progress made by the BRICS serves to refute the opinions of naysayers. The increasingly close cooperation between BRICS countries is a boon to the world.
【摘要】“互联网+”的出现标志是互联网信息技术发展到一定阶段的产物,对我国社会造成了巨大的影响尤其是对企业的发展,但是互联网+”有两面性,一面给传统企业带来机遇,一面也带来了的挑战,尤其使中小企业财务管理面临着新的困境。本文就是结合当代“互联网+”的时代背景,通过分析我们中小企业财务管理的问题,从而来找到解决问题的措施,使得中小企业持续健康的发展。   【关键词】中小企业 财务管理 对策 互
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