Linkage analysis of chromosome 14 and essential hypertension in Chinese population

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sarahfung
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BackgroundHypertension is a complex biological trait that influenced by multiple factors. The encouraging results for hypertension research showed that the linkage analysis can be used to replicate other studies and discover new genetic risk factors. Previous studies linked human chromosome 14 to essential hypertension or blood pressure traits. With a Chinese population, we tried to replicate these findings. Methods A linkage scan was performed on chromosome 14 with 14-microsatellite markers with a density of about 10 centi Morgen (cM) in 147 Chinese hypertensive nuclear families. Multipoint non-parametric linkage analysis and exclusion mapping were performed with the GENEHUNTER software, whereas quantitative analysis was performed with the variance component method integrated in the SOLAR package.ResultsIn the qualitative analysis, the highest non-parametric linkage score is 1.0 (P=0.14) at D14S261 in the single point analysis, and no loci achieved non-parametric linkage score more than 1.0 in the multipoint analysis. Maximum-likelihood mapping showed no significant results, either. Subsequently the traditional exclusion criteria of the log-of-the-odds score-2 were adopted, and the chromosome 14 with λs≥2.4 was excluded. In the quantitative analysis of blood pressure with the SOLAR software, two-point analysis and multipoint analysis suggested no evidence for linkage occurred on chromosome 14 for systolic and diastolic blood pressure. ConclusionThere was no substantial evidence to support the linkage of chromosome 14 and essential hypertension or blood pressure trait in Chinese hypertensive subjects in this study. BackgroundHypertension is a complex biological trait that influenced by multiple factors. The encouraging results for hypertension research showed that the linkage analysis can be used to replicate other studies and discover new genetic risk factors. Previous studies linked human chromosome 14 to essential hypertension or blood pressure traits Methods A linkage scan was performed on chromosome 14 with 14-microsatellite markers with a density of about 10 centiges Morgen (cM) in 147 Chinese hypertensive nuclear families. Multipoint non-parametric linkage analysis and exclusion mapping were performed with the GENEHUNTER software, whereas quantitative analysis was performed with the variance component method integrated in the SOLAR package. Results in the qualitative analysis, the highest non-parametric linkage score is 1.0 (P = 0.14) at D14S261 in the single point analysis, and no loci achieved non-parametric linkage score more th an 1.0 in the multipoint analysis. Maximum-likelihood mapping showed no significant results, either. Both the traditional exclusion criteria of the log-of-the-odds score-2 were adopted, and the chromosome 14 with λs ≧ 2.4 was excluded. In the quantitative analysis of blood pressure with the SOLAR software, two-point analysis and multipoint analysis suggested no evidence for linkage of on the linkage occurred on chromosome 14 for systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion There was no substantial evidence to support the linkage of chromosome 14 and essential hypertension or blood pressure trait in Chinese hypertensive subjects in this study.
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