中国眼镜协会举办的第11届中国国际眼镜业展览会取得圆满成功。云集包括世界顶尖眼镜公司在内的320多家眼镜厂商,带来了他们科技含量极高的一流眼镜产品。这就给了我们一个启示:世界看好中国眼镜市场。 世界看好中国眼镜市场原因有二:一是经过中国眼镜协会精心策划,精心组织,不断总结办展经验,多次组团走向世界介绍中国眼镜业,同
The 11th China International Optical Industry Exhibition held by the China Eyewear Association was a complete success. More than 320 optical manufacturers, including the world’s leading optical companies, have brought their top-notch spectacles with extremely high technological content. This gives us an inspiration: the world is optimistic about the Chinese optical market. There are two reasons why the world is optimistic about the Chinese eyewear market: First, it has been carefully planned and carefully organized by the China Eyewear Association, and has been constantly summarizing its experience in organizing exhibitions. It has organized delegations to the world to introduce the Chinese optical industry.