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通过对足球比赛中24项常用技术指标进行研究,找出影响中超联赛比赛胜负的关键技术指标,采用文献资料法和数理统计法对2014和2015赛季中超联赛333场分出胜负的比赛进行分析。研究结论:1)射门次数、射正次数、控球率、传球成功率、红牌数和攻入前场30m区域次数共6项指标为影响中超联赛比赛胜负的关键性指标;2)中超联赛上下游球队在射门技术指标上存在较大差异,并且中超球队整体在该项指标上与世界先进水平有较大差距;3)中超联赛胜负队之间传球、控球技术指标相关数据存在一定差距,并且中超联赛各支球队传控球技术指标数据整体呈逐年上升趋势;传控风格技战术打法已经成为主流技术风格,技术流足球理念将成为今后中超联赛技战术发展的主要方向;4)中超联赛胜负队之间攻入对手门前30m区域的次数有明显差距,中超联赛各支球队应重视进攻球员在前场30m区域得分手段的训练,并有针对性地进行安排,形成对对手门前30m区域的有效控制;5)红牌的出现对球队士气和人数均有较大的影响,各俱乐部应加强对球员的思想教育,避免球员在比赛中出现非体育性的攻击行为。 By studying 24 commonly used technical indicators in football matches and finding the key technical indicators that affect the outcome of the competition in the Super League, the literature and data statistics were used to analyze 333 matches in the 2014 and 2015 Super League matches analysis. Conclusions: 1) Six indicators, including the number of shots, the number of shots, the percentage of ball possession, the success rate of passing, the number of red cards and the number of 30m scored in the frontcourt, are the key indicators affecting the outcome of the match in the Super League. 2) The upper and lower league teams in the shooting technical indicators there is a big difference, and the super team as a whole in the indicator with the world advanced level have a big gap; 3) Super League match between the team, the ball control technical indicators There is a certain gap between the relevant data, and all teams in the Super League pass ball technical indicators of the overall data showed an upward trend year by year; spread style of tactics and tactics has become the mainstream technology style, technology flow football concept will become the future development of technology and tactics in the Super League The main direction; 4) Super League match between the winning team scored 30m in front of the opponent’s area there is a significant gap in the number of teams in the Super League should pay attention to offensive players in the frontcourt 30m regional scoring means of training and targeted 5) the emergence of the red card on the team morale and the number of people have a greater impact, the club should strengthen the ideological education of players, to avoid the ball Non-sports attack occurred during the match.
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