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祁东渔鼓流行于湖南衡阳等地区的一种民间说唱的曲艺表演形式。“渔鼓”起源于道教,始于道士与道姑们化斋时所唱的劝世及修行歌,后传入民间,成为曲艺艺人演唱的绝活。随后,道教渔鼓传到湖南,在衡阳一带甚为流传。本文以“渔鼓”为核心,将其置于历史、文化的大背景中综合考察研究,在文化变迁的动态视角中力求较系统、完整、深入地对祁东渔鼓的历史源流、社会功能、文化价值等问题给予一定的分析与阐释。 Qidong fishing drum popular in Hunan Hengyang and other areas of folk singing a folk art forms. “Drum ” originated in Taoism, began in Taoist priests and Taoist Singing advised the world and practicing song, after the introduction into the folk, as the performer of folk art singing. Subsequently, Taoist drums reached Hunan and were very popular in Hengyang. This paper takes “fishing drum ” as the core, places it in the background of history and culture for a comprehensive study and study, tries hard to systematically, completely and deeply analyze the historical origin, social function of Qidong drum in the dynamic perspective of cultural change , Cultural values ​​and other issues give some analysis and interpretation.
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