吉林电业管理局 抓紧有利时机 大力检修设备

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吉林省电业管理局根据調整、巩固、充实、提高的方針,和部、局的指示,在今年上半年开展的以整风为綱,以安全經济运行为中心,以“五防”方內容的春季安全大檢查运动的基础上,利用負荷輕的有利时机,大力进行了設备檢修工作。据統計上半年局属厂共大修机炉設备35台,占全年大修任务的68.5%;企业自备电厂和地方电厂共大修机、炉10台,完成上半年檢修計划的67%。从檢修质量来看,較去年同期有显著提高,在已竣工的大修項目中,有75%的质量被評为优良。此外,还采用了計划小修和見縫插針相結合的办法,共檢修机炉125台次(其中計划小修70台次)。不少电厂对多年来无机会停下来檢修的汽、水、煤、公用系統和輔助設 In accordance with the guidelines for adjustment, consolidation, enrichment, and improvement, and in accordance with the directives of the ministries and bureaus, the Jilin Electric Power Management Bureau carried out the rectification in the first half of this year as the guideline, with safety and economic operations as the center and the content of the “five defenses”. On the basis of the spring safety inspection exercise, the use of the light load of favorable opportunities, vigorously carried out equipment maintenance work. According to the statistics, in the first half of the year, the Bureau’s factory overhauled 35 sets of furnace equipment, which accounted for 68.5% of the annual overhaul task; the company-owned power plants and local power plants collectively repaired machines and furnaces, and completed 67% of the maintenance plan for the first half of the year. Judging from the quality of the repairs, there was a significant increase over the same period of last year. Among the major overhaul projects completed, 75% were rated as excellent. In addition, a combination of planned minor repairs and joints and needles was adopted, and a total of 125 repairs were performed (including 70 minor repairs). Many power plants have been equipped with gas, water, coal, utility systems, and auxiliary facilities that have had no chance to stop for over many years
本标准适用于摩托车作电源用之铅蓄电池 (一) 基本尺寸 1.蓄电池规格及基本尺寸如表1. This standard applies to lead-acid batteries for motorcycles as a power source