因为智慧 所以精彩——听林莘老师讲《为人民服务》有感

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能够有机会走进林莘老师的课堂,这么近距离地和名师学习感觉非常开心。林老师敢于把老课新教,整个课堂充满了智慧的挑战,精彩不断。枯燥无味的议论文在林老师的演绎下变得生动、丰富、感人。林老师与学生的智慧在课堂中不经意流露出来的是那么自然、随意而又让人惊喜。推敲、品味教学中的每个细节,教师引的得法,学生听得到位,说得精彩,读得感人,写得真实。 Being able to have a chance to walk into the class of Lin Xin teacher, so feel very happy to learn so closely with the teacher. Lin dared to teach the old Protestant class, the entire classroom is full of wisdom challenges, exciting constantly. The boring essay became vivid, rich and moving under the interpretations of Lin. Lin teacher and student wisdom in the classroom inadvertently revealed is so natural, casual and surprising. Scrutiny, taste teaching every detail, the teacher cited the law, the students hear the place, put it wonderful, read touching, written real.
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