Study of (Ga, Mn)N prepared by Mn-ion implantation using optical techniques

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdwhliyang
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This paper reports that (Ga, Mn)N is prepared using implantation of 3at.% Mn Ions into undoped GaN. Structural characterization of the crystals was performed using x-ray diffraction(XRD). Detailed XRD measurements have revealed the characteristic of Mn-ion implanted GaN with a small contribution of other compounds. With Raman spectroscopy measurements, the spectra corresponding to the intrinsic GaN layers demonstrate three Raman active excitations at 747, 733 and 566 cm-1 identified as E1(LO), A1(LO) and E2H , respectively. The Mn-doped GaN layers exhibit additional excitations at 182, 288, 650-725, 363, 506 cm-1 and the vicinity of E2H mode. The modes observed at 182, 288, 650-725 cm-1 are assigned to macroscopic disorder or vacancy-related defects caused by Mn-ion implantation. Other new phonon modes are assigned to Mnx-Ny, Gax-Mny modes and the local vibrational mode of Mn atoms in the (Ga, Mn)N, which are in fair agreement with the standard theoretical results. Structural characterization of the crystals was performed using x-ray diffraction (XRD). Detailed XRD measurements have revealed the characteristic of Mn- With Raman spectroscopy measurements, the spectra corresponding to the intrinsic GaN layers demonstrate three Raman active excitations at 747, 733 and 566 cm-1 identified as E1 (LO), A1 (LO) and E2H, respectively. The Mn-doped GaN layers exhibit additional excitations at 182, 288, 650-725, 363, 506 cm-1 and the vicinity of E2H mode. The modes observed at 182, 288, 650-725 cm- assigned to macroscopic disorder or vacancy-related defects caused by Mn-ion implantation. Other new phonon modes are assigned to Mnx-Ny, Gax-Mny modes and the local vibrational mode of Mn atoms in the (Ga, Mn) N, which are in fair agreement with the standard theory results.
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北京时间6月13日,小牛和热火的总决赛第六战今天在迈阿密进行,本场比赛前小牛以3-2领先手握赛点。经过四节拼杀,小牛以105-95击败热火,从而以4-2的总比分夺冠。13年的等待,诺维斯基夺得第一个NBA总冠军。小牛夺得队史上的第一个NBA总冠军,这也是NBA的第18支总冠军球队。在此次总决赛系列赛中德克诺维斯基表现卓越,这部“德国战车”被评为总决赛MVP。  德克-诺维斯基全场为小牛得到21分1
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