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以菊花、月季、唐菖蒲及香石竹4种切花为供试材料,通过观察切花瓶插寿命及测定其花瓣的还原糖、可溶性蛋白及丙二醛含量,探讨瓶插液对4种切花保鲜效果及生理效应的影响。结果表明:随着瓶插时间延长,4种鲜切花花瓣还原糖含量、可溶性蛋白质含量均呈现先升高后降低的趋势,丙二醛含量呈现升高趋势。保鲜剂处理切花还原糖、可溶性蛋白含量的降低幅度显著高于对照,而丙二醛含量变化程度显著低于对照。另外,瓶插液3%蔗糖+250mg/L 8-HQ+300mg/L柠檬酸能显著延长菊花、香石竹和月季瓶插寿命,且对唐菖蒲也有较好保鲜效果。因此,3%蔗糖+250mg/L 8-HQ+300mg/L柠檬酸这个处理是最理想的切花保鲜剂配方。花瓣丙二醛(MDA)含量、还原糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量可以作为反映鲜切花寿命的生理指标。 Four kinds of cut flowers of chrysanthemum, rose, gladiolus and carnation were used as test materials to observe the vase life of cut vase and the content of reducing sugar, soluble protein and malondialdehyde And physiological effects. The results showed that the contents of reducing sugar and soluble protein of four fresh cut flowers increased at first and then decreased with the prolonging of bottle insertion, and the content of malondialdehyde showed an increasing trend. Preservatives cut flowers reducing sugar, soluble protein content decreased significantly higher than the control, while the degree of malondialdehyde content was significantly lower than the control. In addition, the 3% sucrose + 250mg / L 8-HQ + 300mg / L citric acid could significantly prolong the vase life of chrysanthemum, carnation and rose, and also had better preservation effect on gladiolus. Therefore, 3% sucrose + 250 mg / L 8-HQ + 300 mg / L citric acid is the ideal cut flower preservative formulation. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content, reducing sugar content and soluble protein content of petals can be used as physiological indexes to reflect the life of cut flowers.
枝状晶体(dendritic crystal,或写作dendrite),是冰晶体,特指可见的形状(晶体形态)表现为复杂的树枝结构的平面冰晶.rn气象出版社2012年出版的《英汉汉英大气科学词汇》(第二
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