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兔子一跑到终点,观众们一起破口大骂起来。乌龟已经处于兴奋状态,现场采访记者鹤正在对它进行获胜后的采访。兔子一副满不在乎的神情,对观众的不满视而不见。此时狐狸悄悄地走近它。 As soon as the rabbit ran to the end, the audience cursed together. Tortoise has been in an excited state, on-site interview reporter Crane is being interviewed after it won. Rabbit a careless look, disdain for the audience turned a blind eye. At this point the fox quietly approached it.
沂沭泗水利管理局南四湖管理处的几位领导干部在听完魏炳才司长的一席话之后,欣喜万分地说;“有司长支持,我们心里有底了,依法收取过闸费,我们坚定不移。” 刚参加过全国水
The rock forming temperatures and pressures represent the p T points of the local regions in the lithosphere at a certain age, providing some important in
A number of different lahars have been recognized from a systematic survey of a mapping project. The high setting temperature feature of the deposits indicates
TTG gneiss is a common rock to outcrop in the northern part of the Dabie orogen, a few of which are closely associated with eclogites that experienced the Trias
由中国矿物岩石地球化学学会岩相古地理专业委员会、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会沉积学专业委员会、中国地质学会沉积地质专业委员会、石油大学 (北京 )、大庆油田有限责任公司
Through the statistical analysis of earthquake distribution along 51 strike-sli p active fault segments on the Chinese continent, we found that strong earthqua