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一九○三年三月,帝俄强迫清政府签订密约七条,以确保帝俄在我东北的特权。当时某报驻日本的探访员沈荩(湖南善化人)用侦察手段得到密约的内容,在日本的报纸上披露。密约一暴露,国内群情沸腾,清政府恼羞成怒,便将沈逮捕入狱,沈面无惧色,供认不讳。六月初,慈禧乃下令处决。因逢慈禧生日,改令杖毙。引起社会公愤,连外国报刊也纷纷谴责清政府的野蛮。沈是我国为新闻事业献出生命的第一人。 In March 1903, Emperor Russia forced the Qing government to sign a compact of seven to ensure the privilege of imperial Russia in my northeast. At that time, Shen Qiu (Hunan Shanhua), a visiting newspaper visitor to Japan, scrutinized the content of reconnaissance measures and disclosed it in Japanese newspapers. When the secret deputation was exposed and the domestic situation was boiling, the Qing government became so angry that it arrested and imprisoned Shen. She was unconscionably confessed. In early June, Empress ordered the execution. Because every Ci Xi birthday, change order sticks to death. Causing social anger, even foreign newspapers also have condemned the brutal Qing government. Shen is the first person in our country to give his life to journalism.