Method of Estimating Human Error Probabilities in Construction for Structural Reliability Analysis B

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fogwl
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Human error(HE) is the most important factor influencing on structural safety because its effect often exceeds the random deviation.Large numbers of facts have shown that structural failures may be caused by the gross error due to HE.So it is essential to analyze HE in construction.The crucial work of human error analysis(HEA) is the estimation of human error probability(HEP) in construction.The method for estimating HEP,analytic hierarchy process and failure likelihood index method(AHP-FLIM),is introduced in this paper.The method also uses the process of expert judgment within the failure likelihood index method(FLIM).A numerical example shows the effectiveness of the methods proposed. Human error (HE) is the most important factor influencing on structural safety because its effect often exceeds the random deviation. Large numbers of facts have shown that structural failures may be caused by the gross error due to HE.So it is essential to analyze HE in construction.The crucial work of human error analysis (HEA) is the estimation of human error probability (HEP) in construction.The method for estimating HEP, analytic hierarchy process and failure likelihood index method (AHP-FLIM), is introduced in this paper. The method also uses the process of expert judgment within the failure likelihood index method (FLIM). A numerical example shows the effectiveness of the methods proposed.
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