长期以来,传统的修剪方法为桃树经营者,带来许多不便,并且由于修剪技术不当,会造成营养生长过旺,这样,不仅白白浪费掉大量的营养,而且还会给冬剪增大劳动量。其修剪技术如下: 1、修剪方法对一年生枝,只保留平枝、斜枝、或下垂枝,其余枝统统去掉。保留枝剪留40~70cm为宜,枝与枝之间距离为15~20cm。若树为幼树,可对主枝延长枝适当打头,以扩大树冠。2、应用效果经过两年冬剪观察,长枝修剪能显著提高花芽质量,尤其是枝条下部的花芽质量;可明显
For a long time, the traditional pruning method for peach operators brought many inconveniences, and due to improper pruning technology, it would cause excessive vegetative growth. In this way, not only will a large amount of nutrition be wasted, but it will also increase the workload of winter scissors the amount. The pruning techniques are as follows: 1, trimming method for annual branches, only to keep flat branches, oblique branches, or drooping branches, the remaining branches are removed. Preserved branches cut 40 ~ 70cm is appropriate, the distance between branches and branches is 15 ~ 20cm. If the tree is a young tree, you can extend the branches of the main branch proper beginning, to expand the crown. 2, the application effect After two years of winter shear observation, long branch pruning can significantly improve the quality of flower buds, especially the lower part of the flower bud quality; can be obvious