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目的本研究旨在建立家兔脑型血吸虫病模型,为观察脑型血吸虫病的形态学和临床症状、研究其免疫反应以及探讨其发病机理提供重要手段。方法新西兰大耳兔60只随机分成手术组(n=30)、假手术组(n=20)和对照组(n=10)。在手术组中,直接将血吸虫虫卵悬浊液注入家兔大脑,形成血吸虫虫卵肉芽肿。假手术组采用相同的手术方式,但是注入等剂量的生理盐水。对照组不采用任何手术。术后对动物神经系统临床症状进行观察,并于第3、5、7、10、20和30天对家兔脑组织切片,并进行苏木精—伊红染色观察。结果手术组家兔术后出现各种神经系统症状,包括厌食、局部抽搐、全身抽搐以及瘫痪。病理切片证实在术后第3天,家兔神经系统中形成血吸虫虫卵肉芽肿,并伴有轻微的炎症。在第7-10天,红细胞临近区域形成一些虫卵肉芽肿,伴随有数量较多的中性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞聚集在其周围。在第14-20天,虫卵肉芽肿主要处在增生期。在第30天,血吸虫虫卵肉芽肿处于纤维化治愈阶段,肉芽肿区域逐渐被纤维性神经胶质细胞取代。此外,假手术组和对照组家兔术后表现正常,病理切片未见明显异常。结论本方法可以成功建立脑型血吸虫病动物模型。在实验中,血吸虫虫卵的抗原性、动物的临床表现以及实验动物的处死时间等因素十分重要。 Objective To establish a model of cerebral schistosomiasis in rabbits, and to provide an important means for observing the morphological and clinical symptoms of schistosomiasis, studying its immune response and exploring its pathogenesis. Methods Sixty New Zealand big-eared rabbits were randomly divided into operation group (n = 30), sham operation group (n = 20) and control group (n = 10). In the surgery group, Schistosoma japonicum egg suspension was injected directly into the brain of rabbits to form Schistosoma japonicum egg granuloma. Sham operation group using the same surgical approach, but the injection of an equal dose of saline. The control group did not use any surgery. The clinical symptoms of the animal nervous system were observed after operation, and the brain tissue of the rabbits was sliced ​​on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 20th and 30th days and observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining. Results The rabbits in operation group showed various neurological symptoms after operation, including anorexia, local convulsion, generalized convulsions and paralysis. Pathology confirmed that on the third day after surgery, schistosomiasis eggs were formed in the rabbit’s nervous system with granulomas accompanied with mild inflammation. On days 7-10, some parvovial granulomas were formed in the area adjacent to the erythrocytes, accompanied by the accumulation of a large number of neutrophils and eosinophils around them. On days 14-20, the egg granuloma mainly in the proliferative phase. On the 30th day, Schistosoma japonicum egg granuloma was in the stage of fibrosis, granuloma area was gradually replaced by fibroblast. In addition, sham-operation group and control group rabbits showed normal postoperative pathology, no obvious abnormalities. Conclusion This method can successfully establish an animal model of schistosomiasis. In the experiment, the antigenicity of Schistosoma japonicum eggs, the clinical manifestations of animals and the killing time of experimental animals and other factors are very important.
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目的:探讨六味地黄汤治疗Ig A肾病的作用机制。方法:实验动物分为正常组、模型组、雷公藤组和六味地黄汤组。除正常组外,均采用牛血清白蛋白(BSA)+脂多糖(LPS)+四氯化碳(CCl4