
来源 :海洋地质与第四纪地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jaz23cn
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对南海东北部东沙海域HD319岩心富甲烷环境和非富甲烷环境底栖有孔虫进行对比研究,旨在探讨富甲烷环境对底栖有孔虫群落结构的影响。结果表明,该岩心富甲烷环境和非富甲烷环境的底栖有孔虫组成有所差异:富甲烷缺氧环境底栖有孔虫群落中耐低氧类内生种群占绝对优势,Uvigerina(U.peregerina,U.hispido-costata,U.rugosa,U.probscidea,U.spp.),Bulimina(B.aculeata,B.mexicana),Bolivina(B.bradyi,B.quad-rilatera),Globocassidulina subglobosa,Brizalina superba,Hoglundina elegans等冷泉甲烷相关种大量出现;非富甲烷一般低氧环境下底栖有孔虫以内生种含量占优势,表生种和旋向种零星出现;富氧环境下底栖有孔虫以表生种和旋向种占优势,受有机碳含量变化控制明显。推测底栖有孔虫这种群落结构的差异是适应高甲烷含量的结果,底栖有孔虫对富甲烷环境的响应通过群落结构的差异表现出来。 A comparative study of macro-benthic foraminifera and methane-rich and non-methane-rich benthic foraminifera in HD319 core in the Dongsha area, northeastern South China Sea, was conducted to investigate the effects of methane-enriched environment on the benthic foraminiferal community structure. The results show that there are some differences in benthic foraminifera composition between the methane-rich and non-methane-rich environments of the core: the endophytic foraminifera endophytic population in the benthic foraminiferal enriched in methane-deficient environment is dominant, Uvigerina (U B. peregerina, U.hispido-costata, U. rugosa, U. probscidea, U.spp.), Bulimina (B.aculeata, B. mexicana), Bolivina (B.bradyi, B.quad-rilatera), Globocassidulina subglobosa, Brizalina superba, Hoglundina elegans and other cold-spring methane-related species appeared in large quantities; non-methane-rich benthic foraminifera in hypoxia environment generally dominated by endogenous species, epiphytic species and spinous species sporadic; The foraminifera predominates with epiphytic and spinous species and is controlled by the change of organic carbon content. It is speculated that the difference of benthic foraminifera community structure is the result of adapting to high methane content. The response of benthic foraminifera to methane-rich environment shows through the difference of community structure.
<正>2018年5月,笔者应邀前往里斯本参加GEN SUMMIT 2018,其间参加全球数据新闻奖的颁奖典礼,第二次近距离参与这一全球盛事。我尝试结合本次获奖作品做出分析:什么是优秀的数
遗传多态性是造成个体对药物反应差异的重要因素之一,其中CYP4 5 0酶系的基因多态性可能导致种族间及个体间对同一底物代谢能力的不同。现就镇静安定药、吸入麻醉药、局麻药