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为临床腹直肌皮瓣的应用提供解剖学依据。方法:用男性成尸110例进行研究:(1)对已解剖的74侧测量腹壁下动脉起点距耻骨结节最突出点的距离,起点外径,于长,分支数。(2)与动脉伴行静脉汇入部位及外径进行测量。(3)对20侧巴解剖腹壁浅静脉汇入部位及外径。(4)对8具新鲜成人男性尸体用红色乳胶硫酸钡行腹壁下浅、深血管造影,测其血管显影范围。结果:1.腹壁下动脉96%起于骼外动脉,4%起于股动脉。起点至耻骨结节最高点距离41.80±056cm;起点外径3.05±0.46mm;于长39.9±0.96mm;分支数2.96±0.96支。2腹壁下静脉:均有内、外侧支,与腹壁下动脉伴行,汇入髂外静脉。内侧支粗于外侧支。两支间有丰富交通史,汇入大隐静脉,汇入处内侧支外径:3、07±0.77mm。3.双侧腹壁浅静脉均汇入大隐静脉,汇入处外径为5.88±0.87mm。4.腹壁下动脉、静脉及腹壁残静脉造影显示范围:在脐平面以上8.5-9.0cm至脐平面以下8.5-9,0cm处;内侧至正中线;外侧距腹直肌外侧缘外2.0—2.3cm。讨论:腹在肌中部岛状肌皮瓣以腹壁下血管为蒂,可设计成椭圆形或长方形,血管蒂长,管径粗。在上述范围内切取组织瓣对头颈等方位游离移植,或带血管蒂组织瓣转位移植。洪区隐蔽不影响美观。受区组织缺损 To provide an anatomical basis for the clinical application of rectus abdominis flap. Methods: 110 adult male patients were studied: (1) The distance from the starting point of the inferior abdominal artery to the most prominent point of the pubic nodules was measured on the dissected 74 side. (2) with arterial venous access site and the outer diameter of the measurement. (3) on the 20 side of the anatomic abdominal paralysis superficial vein venous access site and diameter. (4) Eight fresh adult male corpses were examined with red latex barium sulfate in shallow and deep angiography. Results: 1. 96% of the inferior abdominal artery starts from the external iliac artery and 4% from the femoral artery. Starting point to the highest point of pubis nodules 41.80 ± 056cm; starting point diameter 3.05 ± 0.46mm; length 39.9 ± 0.96mm; branches 2.96 ± 0.96 branch. 2 abdominal inferior vena cava: both medial and lateral branches, accompanied by the inferior abdominal artery, into the external iliac vein. The medial branch is thicker than the lateral branch. Between the two has a wealth of traffic history, the import of great saphenous vein, import Department of branch diameter: 3,07 ± 0.77mm. 3. Superficial saphenous veins were introduced into the superficial veins of both sides of the abdominal wall, with an outer diameter of 5.88 ± 0.87mm. 4. Abdominal wall arteries, veins and abdominal residual venous angiography Show range: 8.5-9.0cm above the umbilicus plane to 8.5-9,0cm below the umbilicus plane; medial to midline; outside the lateral rectus abdominis lateral margin 2.0-2.3cm. Discussion: Abdominal muscle in the central island myocutaneous flap to the inferior abdominal wall pedicle, can be designed into an oval or rectangular, long pedicle, diameter thick. Tissue flap in the above range of excision of the head and neck and other free orientation, or transvascular pedicle flap transposition graft. Concealed area does not affect the beautiful appearance. Defects by the district organization
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