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每个企业都有为数不少的单身职工,他们多是生产一线的生力军和主力军,对企业的兴衰存亡起着举足轻重的作用。然而某些企业内单身职工生活条件差、待遇低,得不到应有的关怀与理解,致使许多“单身族”不安心本职工作,而且牢骚满腹,有的人甚至不惜费尽周折地“跳槽”、“下海”,一去不复返。目前单身职工的困境主要表现在以下几个方面: 生活条件普遍较差 以吃饭为例,由于多方面原因所致,目前大多数职工食堂的饭菜质次价高,就餐的职工越来越少,而许多单身职工更愿意常常去光顾随处可见的个体餐馆和小吃摊。但因为一日三餐进饭馆开销甚大,好些单身职工尤其是老职工便兴起自带饭菜,或者干脆啃点冷馒头、凉饼子就着开水将就凑合。这样饥一顿饱一顿,热一顿凉一顿,加上个体餐馆在食品的新鲜与卫生方面无法保证,天长日久,好些单身职工患上了胃病、肝炎等疾病,由轻到重,由少到多,势必会对企业的生产经营、产品质量和经济效益造成难以估量的损失。所以,当务之急,企业领导和工会组织在抓好生产经营、提高经济效益的同时,应尽快把改善单身职工的生活条件摆上重要议事日程,让他们吃好、住好,生活好、工作好,更好地发挥企业的主力军作用。 业余生活单调乏味 目前,许多企业仍缺乏必要的文化娱乐设施和场地,使? Each enterprise has a large number of single workers. Most of them are new-generation and main force in the production line and play an important role in the rise and fall of the enterprise. However, in some enterprises, the living conditions of single workers are poor and their treatment is rather low. They can not get the due care and understanding they deserve. As a result, many “single people” are not at ease in their jobs and are full of grievances. “,” Sea ", gone forever. At present, the predicament of single workers mainly manifests itself in the following aspects: Generally poor living conditions Take meals as an example. Due to many reasons, most of the staff canteens now have inferior food quality and fewer and fewer employees eat meals. And many single workers are more willing to often visit individual restaurants and food stalls. However, because meals are very expensive for meals in the restaurant every day, some single workers, especially the old ones, bring their own meals, or simply eat some cold bread, and the pancakes boil water. Such a meal full of hunger meal, hot meal together, with individual restaurants in the food fresh and health can not be guaranteed, as time passes, many single workers suffering from stomach disease, hepatitis and other diseases, from light to heavy, from less To many, it is bound to the enterprise’s production and management, product quality and economic benefits caused incalculable losses. Therefore, it is imperative that leaders of enterprises and trade union organizations, while grasping well production and operation and improving economic efficiency, should put as soon as possible the conditions for improving the living conditions of single workers on the important agenda so that they will enjoy good living, living well, working well, Better play the main force of the enterprise role. Dull amateur life At present, many enterprises still lack the necessary cultural and recreational facilities and venues, so?
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