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昆明以其悠久的历史而成为我国著名的历史文化名城。昆明呈贡龙潭山出土的旧石器人类遗址,证明早在三万多年前我们的祖先就在滇池地区繁衍生息。昆明石寨山出土的文物,向后人说明两千多年以前石滇王国就已经创造了灿烂的青铜文化。公元前三世纪初,楚将庄(足乔)入滇,揭开了边陲石城与中原文化交流融合的历史。唐南诏建拓东城,元赛典赤在这里建省堂,明洪武十五年(公元1382年)建昆明城。明永历帝“逼死坡”遇难,康熙年间的“三藩之乱”使昆明城在战火中几毁几建。两千多年的历史风云,为古城留下众多的传说故事。 With its long history, Kunming has become a famous historical and cultural city in China. The Paleolithic human ruins excavated from the Longtan Mountain in Kunming’s Chenggong District prove that our ancestors thrived in the Dianchi Lake area more than 30,000 years ago. Stone unearthed in Shizhaishan Kunming artifacts, to posterity that more than two thousand years ago Stone Dian Kingdom has created a brilliant bronze culture. At the beginning of the third century BC Chu Chuang (Foot Joe) entered Yunnan and opened the history of the fusion of the border rock city and the Central Plains culture. Tang Nanzhao built the extension of the East Side, Yuan race Code Red here Jian Tong, Ming Hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382) Kunming Ming City. Ming Yongli Emperor “forced to death slope ” was killed, Kangxi years “San Francisco chaos ” to Kunming city in the war a few destroyed several built. Two thousand years of history, leaving many stories for the ancient city.
Joyce’s World(卓思百观),提出了软生活空间创意概念,为注重品质的私人豪装生活倾情而动,提供尊贵而贴心的全程软装设计专享服务。 Joyce’s World, presents the concept
This biosphere reserve is situated in the depression of the East African Rift Valley in the Lake Manyara Basin in northern Tanzania.
Culture and tradition are the soul of a country. When a country loses its culture and tradition, it is difficult for it to make progress.
Jinggangshan Biosphere Reserve is located in southwestern of Jiangxi Province. The reserve has the largest continuous area of primary broad leaf forest ecosyste