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1998年以来,需求不足成为制约我国经济增长的瓶颈。政府采取了一系列扩张性调控政策.2000年经济增长速度下滑趋势得到缓解,实现了8%的 GDP 增长。2001年是“十五”的第一年,预计GDP 比上年增长7.3%,取得这个成绩实属不易。今后几年,我国经济将面对一个国内国际充满不确定性因素的宏观环境,但平稳增长仍是经济运行的总体态势。主要表现在以下方面。一、所有制格局将会有更大的变化改革20多年来,国有经济一统天下的局面发生了根本性的改变,市场在许多领域的资源配置中开始发挥基础性作用,一个以混合所有制为基础的市场经济体制初步建立。私营经济以较快的速度发展。1990年到1998年,私营经济在工业总产值中所占比重从9.8%增加到36.8%,在社会 Since 1998, the lack of demand has become the bottleneck that restricts China’s economic growth. The government adopted a series of expansionary control policies, and the downward trend in economic growth in 2000 eased and achieved an 8% GDP growth. In 2001, the first year of the “10th Five-Year Plan”, it is estimated that GDP will have increased by 7.3% over the previous year. It is not easy to achieve this result. In the next few years, China’s economy will face a macro-environment full of uncertainties both at home and abroad. However, steady growth is still the general trend of economic operation. Mainly in the following areas. First, there will be even greater changes in the pattern of ownership. Over the past 20 years or so, fundamental changes have taken place in the domination of the state-owned economy. The market has begun to play a fundamental role in the allocation of resources in many fields. Based on mixed ownership, Market economy system was initially established. The private economy has developed at a rapid pace. From 1990 to 1998, the private economy increased its share of total industrial output from 9.8% to 36.8%. In the society
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