Greedysearch based service location in P2P networks

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crystal_zirui
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A model is built to analyze the performance of service location based on greedy search in P2P networks. Hops and relative QoS index of the node found in a service location process are used to evaluate the performance as well as the probability of locating the top 5% nodes with highest QoS level. Both model and simulation results show that, the performance of greedy search based service location improves significantly with the increase of the average degree of the network. It is found that, if changes of both overlay topology and QoS level of nodes can be ignored during a location process, greedysearch based service location has high probability of finding the nodes with relatively high QoS in small number of hops in a big overlay network. Model extension under arbitrary network degree distribution is also studied. A model is built to analyze the performance of service location based on greedy search in P2P networks. Hops and relative QoS index of the node found in a service location process are used to evaluate the performance as well as the probability of locating the top 5% Both models and simulation results show that, the performance of greedy search based service location improves significantly with the increase of the average degree of the network. It is found that, if changes of both overlay topology and QoS level of nodes can be ignored during a location process, greedysearch based service location has high probability of finding the nodes with relatively high QoS in small number of hops in a big overlay network. Model extension under arbitrary network degree distribution is also studied.
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