气动凿岩机是矿山企业广泛使用的凿岩工具之一。玲珑金矿在矿山开采过程中,随着生产能力的不断扩大以及矿井向地下延伸,开始逐步出现凿岩机活塞早期断裂的现象,不但严重影响到采掘效率,而且使生产成本逐渐增加。1 故障分析通过对 YT27型气动凿岩机活塞早期断裂现象的分析,发现每只断裂活塞的外表都有程度不等的变黑或存在许多横向小裂纹(俗称“龟裂”),而活塞正是
Pneumatic rock drill is widely used by mining enterprises one of the rock drilling tools. During the mining process, Linglong Gold Mine began to gradually show the early fracture of the rock drill piston with the continuous expansion of production capacity and underground extension of the mine, which not only seriously affected the mining efficiency but also gradually increased the production cost. 1 Failure Analysis YT27 type pneumatic rock drill piston rupture early analysis found that the appearance of each fracture piston has varying degrees of blackening or the existence of many lateral small cracks (commonly known as “Crack ”), while the piston is Yes