
来源 :艺术学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luosenkate
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艺术学理论学科诞生于现代人文社会科学复杂的科际关联中,具有特定的语境渊源。其不但在与社会文化思潮互动中呈现出学科范式历时性转换的运行轨迹,而且在学科性上还带有跨门类艺术和门类艺术学的综合性特征,以及跨文化体系和跨相邻学科的特点。跨学科性既为艺术学理论提供了丰富的学术资源,又为其学科发展设置了诸多障碍,造成了艺术学理论学科的现实困境。艺术学理论迫切需要厘清与美学、门类艺术学、文艺学等亲缘学科的学科界限,亦要解决人文社会科学方法和理论向艺术本体肆意“移植”和“入侵”造成的学科本性弱化之难题,同时它还要应对原有学科格局下传统学科势力的排斥和化解科学共同体难产的尴尬。 The theory of art theory was born in the complex inter-science relation of modern humanities and social sciences, and has a specific context. Not only does it show the running track of diachronic transition of disciplinary paradigm in the interaction with social and cultural thoughts, but also has comprehensive characteristics of cross-disciplinary art and genre artistry in interdisciplinarity, as well as intercultural systems and interdisciplinary Features. Interdisciplinarity not only provides abundant academic resources for art theory, but also sets many obstacles for the development of its disciplines, resulting in the realistic predicament of art theory. The art theory urgently needs to clarify the disciplinary boundaries of the related disciplines with the aesthetics, the categories of art studies and the literature and art studies, and also solves the academic nature caused by the methods and theories of the humanities and social sciences wantonly “transplanting ” and "invasion Weakening the problem, at the same time it also has to deal with the traditional disciplinary structure of the traditional disciplinary forces of exclusion and resolve the embarrassment of scientific community dystocia.
磺胺甲基嘧啶(SM_1)的新合成法波兰专利60,639 C.A.,1971,74(23),125,445本专利介绍不用乙醚及金属钠制备磺胺甲基嘧啶的方法。例如:将丙酮与甲酸甲酯加至溶入火油中的甲醇
扑热息痛栓的释放是缓慢的,作者认为在栓剂中加入不溶性聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)能加速栓剂的崩裂,从而增加溶出速率。在实验室内制备了4种栓剂: The release of paracetamol i
近十年来对于具有生理学与生物学活性的某些 S-取代2-巯基苯骈咪唑产生了兴趣,2-巯基苯骈咪唑用作橡皮的防老剂和聚合物的隐定剂。本文研究了通式为 Ia 的 S-取代-2-巯基甲
海杧果(Cerbera Odollam)属夹竹桃科植物。印度、澳洲、和我国南部均有分布。早在1864年Devrij曾从其种仁榨出的油中提出一种甙,称为Cerberin。其后Greshoff又分出一种与Cer
目前,各医院使用的水合氯醛制剂基本相似,常用的有10%水合氯醛溶液;6.5%水合氯醛合剂。但有些处方中加有糖浆,有的加入50%,有的加20%。 At present, the hospitals use chl