
来源 :首都医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awii0813
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全世界医药产品的销售额,1997年为2200亿美元,预计2000年达到3300亿美元,2010年将达到6000亿美元。所以发达国家都把医药产品作为发展国民经济的支柱产业之一。一般来说,将年销售额达到5亿美元的产品定为“重磅炸弹”。我国迄今没有一枚“重磅炸弹”,销售额在国际市场上所占份额极小。相反,大批“洋药”日渐充斥国内市场。为此我们对医药产品的发展趋势及其规律要有一个估计和认识。其实,一方面医药产品的发展始终遵循着疾病发病率和危害程度决定着市场走向的规律,即需要决定市场走向的规律;另一方面临床现状也成为医药产品市场形势的重要因素。 Sales of medical products worldwide have reached 220 billion U.S. dollars in 1997 and are expected to reach 330 billion U.S. dollars in 2000 and 600 billion U.S. dollars in 2010. Therefore, the developed countries regard the pharmaceutical products as one of the pillar industries for the development of the national economy. In general, the annual sales of 500 million US dollars of products as a “blockbuster.” So far, China does not have a “blockbuster” bomb and its sales account for a very small share of the international market. On the contrary, a large number of “foreign drugs” are gradually flooding the domestic market. To this end we have an estimate and understanding of the development trend of pharmaceutical products and their laws. In fact, on the one hand, the development of pharmaceutical products always follows the law of disease morbidity and degree of harm that determines the market trend, that is, the law that determines the market trend; on the other hand, the clinical status quo has also become an important factor in the market situation of pharmaceutical products.
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“人生七十古来稀”,已逾古稀之年的人,定会在家里闲着,谁料打电话一联系,老人就要出差。我匆忙去拜访,见到了74岁高龄的金世元教授。 金世元教授没上过大学,学徒出身,但现
在科技发展日新月异的今天,个人消费类电子产品也在不断推陈出新。作为世界电子巨头之一的 Onkyo,之所以能够几十年如一日地在强手如林的商海中自由驰骋并始终立于不败之地,
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介绍了马铃薯的生长特性、营养特征和形态,总结了马铃薯的高产栽培技术,对科学种植马铃薯有一定的借鉴作用。 The growth characteristics, nutritional characteristics an