
来源 :植物分类与资源学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdazf
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大理茶 ( Camellia taliensis) 为山茶科山茶属茶组植物,主要分布于云南横断山脉澜沧江至伊洛瓦底江流域,即从云南的西部及西南部至缅甸北部。在其分布区,大理茶亦被称为野生大茶树,常用于加工制作茶叶。采用水蒸气蒸馏法、GC 及 GC/MS 联用技术,首次对大理茶的鲜幼叶和鲜幼叶及老叶分别制成的绿茶中的挥发性成分进行提取和分析,共鉴定出 91 个化合物。研究结果表明,大理茶鲜幼叶的主要香气成分为棕榈酸 ( 30. 52%) ,亚油酸 ( 19. 82%) ,植醇 ( 8. 75%) 和亚麻酸乙酯 ( 2. 54%) 等有机酸及其酯和二萜类,而制成绿茶后,其主要香气成分则为芳樟醇 ( 28. 43%) ,脱氢芳樟醇 ( 1. 13%) ,α-松油醇( 11. 68%) ,橙花醇 ( 4. 92%) 和香叶醇 ( 12. 34%) 等单萜醇类成分。从大理茶鲜叶到由其制成的绿茶,香气成分发生了较大变化,形成了 28 种原鲜叶中未检测到的香气成分,其中,( Z,Z,Z) -9,12,15-十八烷三烯-1-醇的含量分别达到 1. 21% ( 幼叶绿茶) 和 11. 2% ( 老叶绿茶) ,是大理茶制作的绿茶的特征香气成分。DPPH 和 ABTS+自由基清除实验结果显示大理茶鲜叶及其制成的绿茶的挥发性成分均具有一定的抗氧化活性,但均弱于茶多酚的抗氧化活性。 Camellia taliensis is a family of Camellia taliensis tea belonging to the genus Camellia. It mainly distributes in the Lancang River of Yunnan Hengduan Mountains to the Irrawaddy River, from the west and southwest of Yunnan to the northern part of Myanmar. In its distribution area, Dali tea is also known as the wild big tea, commonly used in the manufacture of tea. Using steam distillation, GC and GC / MS, the volatile components in green tea made from fresh and fresh leaves of old Dali and old leaves were extracted and analyzed for the first time. A total of 91 Compound. The results showed that the main aroma components of fresh tea leaves of Dali were palmitic acid (30.52%), linoleic acid (19.82%), phytol (8.75%) and ethyl linolenate %) And other organic acids and their esters and diterpenes, and made of green tea, the main aroma components are linalool (28.43%), dehydrolinalool (1.13%), α-pine Oleyl alcohol (11.68%), nerol (4.92%) and geraniol (12.34%) and other monoterpene alcohol components. From the fresh leaves of Dali tea to the green tea made from it, the aroma components changed greatly, and the aroma components not detected in the original fresh leaves of 28 kinds were formed. Among them, (Z, Z, Z) -9,12, 15-octadecadien-1-ol content reached 1.21% (young leaf green tea) and 11.2% (old leaf green tea), is the characteristic tea flavor of green tea ingredients. The results of DPPH and ABTS + free radical scavenging experiments showed that the volatile components of fresh tea leaves and green tea made from Dali tea had certain antioxidant activity, but both were weaker than the antioxidant activity of tea polyphenols.
<正> 闽皖八角 新种 图 Illicium minwanense B. N. Chang et S. D. Zhang, sp. nov., fig. Species proximum Ⅰ. jiadifengpi B. N. Chang, quod fiffert staminibus 28—3
Objective To derive regression formulae for stature estimation using forensic radiography from the tibia and fibula of Chinese Han teenagers in Sichuan Province
目的:调查中国朝鲜族群体中H19基因上游差异甲基化区(differentially methylated region,DMR) SNP及单倍型分布,为法医学应用及群体遗传学研究提供基础数据。方法收集中国朝鲜族10
目的:建立生物检材血液中农药的快速溶剂萃取(accelerated solvent extraction,ASE)法。方法通过优化ASE萃取条件,考察萃取温度、时间和萃取剂对回收率的影响,提取血液中的农药进行