Doing the Right thing

来源 :中国与非洲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gbcying
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  Once seen by the international communityas a perpetrator of intellectual propertyrights (IPR) violations, China has becomea victim in this global scourge. Recent casesgiven wide media exposure include Internetgiant Google scanning Chinese books intoits database without authorizations from theauthors, and Microsoft Windows using Chineseword banks and fonts developed by a Chinesecompany without authorization.
More than 100 people diedwhen a plane crashed at Tripoliinternational airport on May 12.The Afriqiyah Airways flight waslanding in the Libyan capital,having taken off from Johannesburg,South Africa. N
April 10 proved a triumphant night for Nigeria atthe sixth annual African Movie Academy Awards(AMAA). At a theater in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, 53countries competed for victory in 24 categories, but Nol
a nation of diverse terrainwith forests in thesouth, hills in the west andsavannah plains in the north,the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire isinhabited by more than 60 ethnicgroups. These ethnic groups
All those who have complainedinterminablyabout all the negativessurrounding the World Cup– enough already. Westernmedia have maintained anegative stream of reportingsince the 2010 WorldCup host was an
The Republic of Togo  Ambassador: Nolana Ta Anna  Add: No.11, Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Cha-  oyang District, Beijing 100600, China  Tel: +8610-65322202, 65322444  Fax: +8610-65325884
south Africa’s 2010 World Cup “feel good”factor is addictive. At taxi ranks, streetbazaars and tea-rooms, South Africancitizens everywhere are filled with elation - andpride. Just 16 years ago, within
Newlyweds Zhang Di and Dai Aijingcouldn’t contain their excitement whenthey took Beijing’s subway line 2 homeas usual, but it had nothing to do with the usualFriday evening escape from work. It was be
Abstract: The development of dataspace support systems is far from reality as individuals and enterprises are faced with the huge challenge of data management. Critical to this is the need to provide