
来源 :工程热物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gianfranco1
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The effects on turbine blade surface pressure and aerodynamic loss distribution ofcoolantanair inject from each of three individual rows of coolant holes on the blade leading-edge, and the rear of the suction and the pressure surface were investigated in a Iinearcascade. The experimental results showed that the changes in the pressure and aerodynamicloss distribution were dependent primarily on the amount of coolant added and the locationof injecting holes. The pressure surface injection did not change the pressure distributionas clearly as did the suction surface injection due mainly to the difference of mainstreampressure gradients and velocity. The air injection from suction surface led to the largesteffect on the loss increase while the air injection from the pressure surface exerted the leastinfluence. The effects on turbine blade surface pressure and aerodynamic loss distribution ofcoolantanair inject from each of three individual rows of coolant holes on the blade leading-edge, and the rear of the suction and the pressure surface were investigated in a Iinearcascade. The experimental results showed that the changes in the pressure and aerodynamicloss distribution were dependent dependent on the amount of coolant added and the location of injecting holes. The pressure surface injection did not change the pressure distributionas clearly as did the suction surface injection due mainly to the difference of mainstreampressure gradients and velocity The air injection from suction surface led to the largesteffect on the loss increase while the air injection from the pressure surface exerted the least fluid.
在初中物理光学中,凸透镜成像问题是同学们比较头疼,也是比较费时的问题.其实大部分题目只要同学们能把几种成像情况熟记在心就能解决了,而对于物体移动考查像的位置及大小变化等情况,用成像规律来解就没那么方便了.因为物距改变不仅会导致像距改变,还可能使像的性质发生改变,这就会引起解题思维的混乱,无从下手.即使是掌握较好的同学也要花相当长的时间来回忆并且画图才能完成.  除了掌握好“一倍焦距分虚实,二倍焦距
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1. 设全集[U=R],集合[A={x|x≥0}],[B={x|x2-2x-30}], 若[A?B=B],则( )  A. [a>0,b2-4ac≥0] B. [a>0,b2-4ac≤0]  C. [a<0,b2-4ac≥0] D. [a0),]若[?x1∈-1,2,?x2∈-1,2,]使得[f(x1)=g(x2),]则实数[a]的取值范围是( )  A. [0,12] B. [12,3]  C.
大自然因为有了植物,所以随着四季的更替,它才会变换着美丽的容颜。植物与人类同呼吸,共命运,是我们不可缺少的好朋友。郁郁葱葱的树木,万紫千红的花朵,青翠欲滴的小草, Nat
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。A bully is always a coward.色厉内荏。A cat has nine lives.猫有九命。A cat ma
常听大人们说,有个诸葛亮通天文,晓地理。我想,这个诸葛亮是谁呢?能耐有多大呢?后来,我看了《三国演义》这本书,才知道诸葛亮真的有非凡本领呢。 Listen to adults often sa