KMAP-O framework for care management research of patients with type 2 diabetes

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haobishuiduo
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AIM To review impacts of interventions involving self-management education, health coaching, and motivational interviewing for type 2 diabetes. METHODS A thorough review of the scientific literature on diabetes care and management was executed by a research team. RESULTS This article summarizes important findings in regard to the validity of developing a comprehensive behavioral system as a framework for empirical investigation. The behavioral system framework consists of patients’ knowledge(K), motivation(M), attitude(A), and practice(P) as predictor variables for diabetes care outcomes(O). Care management strategies or health education programs serve as the intervention variable that directly influences K, M, A, and P and then indirectly affects the variability in patient care outcomes of patients with type 2 diabetes. CONCLUSION This review contributes to the understanding of the KMAP-O framework and how it can guide the care management of patients with type 2 diabetes. It will allow the tailoring of interventions to be more effective through knowledge enhancement, increased motivation, attitudinal changes, and improved preventive practice to reduce the progression of type 2 diabetes and comorbidities. Furthermore, the use of health information technology for enhancing changes in KMAP and communications is advocated in health promotion and development. AIM To review Effects of interventions involving self-management education, health coaching, and motivational interviewing for type 2 diabetes. METHODS A thorough review of the scientific literature on diabetes care and management was executed by a research team. RESULTS This article summarizes important findings in regard to the validity of developing a comprehensive behavioral system as a framework for empirical investigation. The behavioral system framework consists of patients’ knowledge (K), motivation (M), attitude (A), and practice (P) as predictor variables for diabetes care outcomes (O). Care management strategies or health education programs serve the the intervention variable that directly influences K, M, A, and P and then specifically affects the variability in patient care outcomes of patients with type 2 diabetes. CONCLUSION This review contributes to the understanding of the KMAP-O framework and how it can guide the care management of patients with type 2 diabetes. It will allo w the tailoring of interventions to be more effective through knowledge enhancement, increased motivation, attitudinal changes, and improved preventive practice to reduce the progression of type 2 diabetes and comorbidities. Furthermore, the use of health information technology for enhancing changes in KMAP and communications is advocated in health promotion and development.
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