烯醇硅醚(Silyl Enol Ethers)在药物合成中的应用

来源 :国外医药.合成药.生化药.制剂分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leefenbo
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近年来,有机硅化合物的应用得到迅速发展。它不仅作为一类有效的保护试剂应用于有机合成,而且已成为一类非常有用的合成中间体,广泛应用于天然化合物和药物的合成。本文仅就目前在合成中应用较广泛而又易于在一般实验室中制备的烯醇硅醚的制备及反应性能,结合在药物合成中的应用实例作一介绍。一、烯醇硅醚的性质和制备方法如图1所示,由于烯醇硅醚中有C=C键存在,Si—O键强度削弱,烯醇硅醚以负碳离子进行亲核反应,亲电试剂E~+进攻O—C键的α位: In recent years, the application of organic silicon compounds has been rapidly developed. It is not only applied to organic synthesis as a kind of effective protection reagent, but also has become a kind of very useful synthetic intermediates. It is widely used in the synthesis of natural compounds and drugs. This article only on the synthesis of a more widely used in the general laboratory preparation of enol silicone and the reaction performance, combined with the application of the drug synthesis examples are introduced. First, the nature and preparation of enol silicones As shown in Figure 1, due to the presence of a C = C bond in the enol ether, the Si-O bond strength is weakened and the enol silicon ether undergoes a nucleophilic reaction with a carbanion, Electro-reagent E + attack O-C bond alpha:
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