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据《N Engl J Med》2001年345卷第11期报道 以往的研究证明,饮食及生活方式因素各与2型糖尿病相关,但这些因素的联合作用在很大程度上仍不清楚。美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院营养学系Frank B.Hu博士等,于1980~1996年对84941名女性护士进行了随访,这些护士在基线时没有诊断出心血管疾病、糖尿病和癌症,有关她们饮食及生活方式的信息都予以定期更新。按照下述5项变量的综合确定低危险组:体质指数(体重kg/身高m~2)< According to N Engl J Med 2001, Volume 345, Number 11, previous studies have shown that diet and lifestyle factors are each associated with type 2 diabetes, but the combined effects of these factors are still largely unknown. Dr. Frank B. Hoo, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, USA, followed 84,941 female nurses from 1980 to 1996. The nurses did not diagnose cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer at baseline, Lifestyle information is regularly updated. According to the following five variables to determine the low risk group: body mass index (weight kg / height m ~ 2)
20 0 1年 1 1月下旬 ,在秦兵马俑三号坑南厢房及廊区域内的地砖表面发现有约二十余平方米的地衣生长。经过采样分析 ,确定治理方案及实施治理 ,最终在不损害文物遗址的前提下
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of symptomatic vulvovaginal candidiasis on the shedding of HIV- 1 in cervicovaginal secretion
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Objective: To describe fetal growth centiles in relation tomaternal malaria a nd HIV status, using cross sectional measurements at birth. Design: A cross sect i