
来源 :数理化学习(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxk781224
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电学计算题综合性强、应用性强,能培养 学生灵活的分析能力、思维能力和理论联系实 际的能力是教学和中考的重点.本文就初中物 理电学计算题进行分类举例分析. 一、电路结构稳定型题 这类题的特点是电路的连接方式及描述参 量稳定不变,只要掌握了基本概念和规律,就很 容易找到突破口.如可用倒推法去分析,即从 所求量出发,看求出它需要哪些量;如果这些量 电学计算题综合性强、应用性强,能培养 学生灵活的分析能力、思维能力和理论联系实 际的能力是教学和中考的重点.本文就初中物 理电学计算题进行分类举例分析. 一、电路结构稳定型题 这类题的特点是电路的连接方式及描述参 量稳定不变,只要掌握了基本概念和规律,就很 容易找到突破口.如可用倒推法去分析,即从 所求量出发,看求出它需要哪些量;如果这些量 The electric calculation problem has a strong comprehensive and practical application. It can train students’ agile analytical abilities, thinking abilities, and the ability to connect theory with practice. This is the focus of teaching and examination. This article classifies and analyzes the example of physics calculation for junior middle school. First, the stable structure of the circuit title The characteristics of such problems are the connection of the circuit and describe the parameters of stability, as long as you master the basic concepts and laws, it is easy to find a breakthrough. If you can use the inverse method to analyze, that is, starting from the quantity required, see what quantities it needs; if these quantities of electrical calculation problems are comprehensive and practical, they can cultivate students’ flexible analytical ability, thinking ability and theoretical connection. The actual ability is the focus of teaching and examination. This article classifies and analyzes the example of physics calculation for junior middle school. First, the stable structure of the circuit title The characteristics of such problems are the connection of the circuit and the description of the parameters of stability, as long as you master the basic concepts and laws, it is easy to find a breakthrough. If you can use the inverse method to analyze, that is, starting from the quantity you are looking for, you can see what quantities it needs; if these quantities
物理与数学有着密不可分的关 系,很多物理量的定义、物理规律都 可以用数学方法来表述,其中包括数 学公式法或图象表示法等.例如密 度、压强等的定义公式:ρ=m/V,p= F/S以及匀
火之蝶火中之蝶,这是我对蘩漪的感觉。她犹如一只美丽而孤独的飞蝶,顽固地扑向熊熊燃烧的烈火,即使被灼得遍体鳞伤,即使这火可以毁灭她的全部。 The butterfly of the fire
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