Biological Characteristics and Key Points on Cultivation of Limonium Bicolor

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hrk303968324
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[Objective]The biological characteristics of Limonium Bicolor were explored which provided a reference for its domestication and cultivation technique.[Method]Many years of field observation were documented, and then Limonium Bicolor were sowed in the greenhouse, cultivated with vegetable cultivation and management model.[Result]Observations and experiments showed Limonium Bicolor was a biennial plant, seldom flowered at the same year. Protective cultivation of Limonium Bicolor was easy with a survival rate of transplanting was over 92%,planting spacing over 30 cm was better.In the protected cultivation, flowering could be regulated by controlling density, nutrient supply and defloration. Making Limonium Bicolor flower once in a year, and in the next year of June is flower stage, multi-lateral branch flowering is promoted when picking up the flowers at the beginning of the flower stage.[Conclusion]Limonium Bicolor had higher ecological and economic benefits, the biomass of cultivated environment was four times than that under the natural environment, so the cultivation planting had a broad prospect. [Objective] The biological characteristics of Limonium Bicolor were explored which provided a reference for its domestication and cultivation technique. [Method] Many years of field observation were documented, and then Limonium Bicolor were sowed in the greenhouse, cultivated with vegetable cultivation and management model . [Result] Observations and experiments showed Limonium Bicolor was a biennial plant, seldom flowered at the same year. Protective cultivation of Limonium Bicolor was easy with a survival rate of transplanting was over 92%, planting spacing over 30 cm was better.In the the protected cultivation, flowering could be regulated by controlling density, nutrient supply and defloration. Making Limonium Bicolor flower once in a year, and in the next year of June is flower stage, multi-lateral branch flowering is promoted when picking up the flowers at the beginning of the flower stage. [Conclusion] Limonium Bicolor had higher ecological and economic benefits, the biomass of cultivated e nvironment was four times than that under the natural environment, so the planting of a broad prospect.
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