建设图书馆教学团队 拓展大学生信息素质教育

来源 :西北人文科学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuming
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高等学校图书馆是开展信息素质教育,培养大学生信息意识和信息能力的主要基地,西北政法大学图书馆通过打造图书馆教学团队,改变了图书馆被动、单一、传统的服务模式,实现了服务理念、服务内容、服务模式的创新,形成了“新生教育、文献信息检索与利用选修课、文献信息专题讲座和数据库使用个别指导、《影像读书·沙龙》讲座”的有序分阶段进行的实践模式,有力提升了学生的信息素养,具有较强的现实针对性,在高校人才培养实践中成效显著。 The library of colleges and universities is the main base for carrying out information literacy education and cultivating college students’ information awareness and information ability. The library of Northwest University of Political Science and Law changed the passive, single and traditional service mode of the library by building the library teaching team, , Service content and service mode, the formation of “freshman education, literature information retrieval and use of elective courses, literature and information lectures and databases using individual guidance,” video reading salon “lecture” in an orderly and phased manner Practice mode, effectively enhance the students’ information literacy, with strong reality-oriented, and achieved remarkable results in the practice of personnel training in colleges and universities.
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东海之滨,登山涉水,抚今思昔。老散文家郭风以传神笔墨、浓郁的乡情,为人们抒写了闽南的风土人情。风人之旨,韵味深长。 Coast of the East China Sea, climbing wading, Fu
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走进密林,有绿色的风吹亮被阳光浸润的早晨。脚步踏响山谷隐隐约约的回声, 我们在弯曲的小路上穿行, 黄花簇簇,青草萋萋……又经过那座没有碑的烈士墓了。 Into the jungle