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An approach, based on the correlation between the intensity distribution of object wave of the directly recorded by charge-coupled device and the one reconstructed by computer, is proposed to evaluate the quality of the phase reconstruction in light emitting diode (LED) based phase-shifting digital holography. This method enables us to find out the optimal reconstructed phase even though the peak wavelength of LED, which is used for calibrating the phase-shifter, is inconvenient to be determined and tends to shift with temperature and driving current. The feasibility of this method is verified by both computer simulations and experiments.
A diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:YAG/KLu(WO4)2 (KLW) Raman laser is presented for the first time. As high as 1.89 W average output power is obtained at the pump power of 15.7 W with the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 27.2
A new optical microscopy technique, termed high spatial and temporal resolution synthetic aperture phase microscopy (HISTR-SAPM), is proposed to improve the lateral resolution of wide-field coherent imaging. Under plane wave illumination, the resolution i
近代光学物理最重要的成就之一是1966年由Sorokin和Lankard以及ScMfer等各自独立发明的染料激光器。有机染料激光器的出现,提供了一种波长跨越很宽范围连续可调的相干辐射源。在某些实验,如多光子吸收和非线性光学实验中,往往同时需要两个或两个以上能独立调节的髙功率脉冲激光波长。然而,由于激光脉冲的典型宽度为5 ns,因此,任何一个的频率抖动都将使两个独立的激光器难以同步。如果用单泵激励双波长染料激光器就可保证输出在时间上的一致性,从而避免了上述困难。迄今已发展了若干不同类型的双波长染料激光器。1
We study an electronic compensator (EC) as a receiver for a 100-Gb/s polarization division multiplexing coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PDM-CO-OFDM) system without optical dispersion compensation. EC, including electrical disp
多参数联合优化是光刻分辨率增强技术的发展方向。提出了一种以光刻胶三维形貌差异为评价目标的光刻多参数联合优化方法。以多个深度位置的光刻胶图形误差为目标函数,对光源、掩模、投影物镜波前、离焦量和曝光剂量进行联合优化,提高了光刻胶图形三维形貌的质量。为获得较高的优化效率,采用自适应差分进化算法实现光源和掩模的优化,并针对其他参数的特点,采用不同优化方法进行优化。对密集线、含有交叉门的复杂掩模图形和静态随机存储器中的典型图形进行了仿真验证,可用焦深的最大值分别达到237 nm、115 nm 和144.8 nm,曝
A novel four light ray path test method for measuring residual reflectance has been presented. Residual reflectance spatial distribution at a cladding interface was measured using the technique. Residual reflectance could be on the order of 10?5