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1999年《破产清算法》中剩余债务免除制度的引入为免除自然人在破产程序中未清偿的债务提供了可能。但德国的剩余债务免除制度非常严格。其一,冗长的程序给参与者很大的压力;其二,债务人剩余债务的免除会因为严格的要求被拒绝。这些过高的门槛损害了剩余债务免除制度应有的让债务人重新融入经济运行过程中的功能。2014年《个人破产法》改革的重点有:缩短了剩余债务免除程序、删除了第312条至第314条的简易破产程序和第114条的优先受偿权,对自主进入程序的决定进行了规定(随之规定了对重复申请的限制),以及对剩余债务免除的拒绝理由进行了修改等。然而此次改革中,国家利益作为最重要的推动力产生了更深远的影响,个人破产法并没有得到理念上的发展,甚至剩余债务免除制度因为扩大的特例范围而被削弱,因为程序的划分而被消解,使此次个人破产法改革显现出了退步。因此,下一轮关于《个人破产法》改革的讨论很快就会到来。 The introduction of the remaining debt relief system in the Bankruptcy Liquidation Act of 1999 offers the possibility of exempting natural persons from unpaid debts in bankruptcy proceedings. But Germany’s remaining debt relief system is very strict. First, lengthy procedures place a lot of pressure on participants; secondly, the debtor’s remaining debt relief will be rejected on strict terms. These excessive thresholds undermine the function that the remaining system of debt relief should allow the debtor to reintegrate into the economy. The 2014 Personal Bankruptcy Law reforms focused on shortening the remaining debt relief process, deleting the summary bankruptcy proceedings under articles 312 to 314 and the priority claim of article 114, and conducting the decision of the autonomous accession process (Along with the restrictions on repeated applications), and the reasons for the refusal of remaining debt relief. However, in this reform, the interests of the state as the most important impetus have had far-reaching effects. The personal bankruptcy law has not been ideologically developed. Even the remaining system of debt relief has been weakened by the expansion of the special cases because the division of procedures But was digested, so that the personal bankruptcy law reform has shown a regressive. Therefore, the next round of discussions on the reform of the Personal Bankruptcy Law will soon come.
五年级1.如下图,A是一个水平摆放的小正方体木块,B、C是由这样的正方体摆放而成。按照这样的规律继续摆下去,至第五个图形,小正方体的总块数是____。 Fifth grade 1. As sho
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