
来源 :幸福(婚姻) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:knwin
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大多数女性月经期间都会出现腰部胀痛的症状,为了缓解不适,很多人就会时不时地捶捶腰。实际上,这种方法只会适得其反。经期出现腰部胀痛,除了精神紧张、劳累、饮食不当等因素外,女性子宫在盆腔中所处的特殊位置才是最主要的原因。在这个特殊时期,如果随意用力捶打,不但起不到任何作用,反而会导致盆腔充血加剧,腰酸背痛更加严重。同时,女性此时的抵抗力也会降低,不适当的外力不利于子宫内膜剥脱后创面的修复愈合,更容易引起感染而患急、慢性妇科病。 Most women have symptoms of lumbar pain during menstruation, and many people pound their waits from time to time to ease the discomfort. In fact, this method will only be counterproductive. Waist pain during menstruation, in addition to mental stress, fatigue, improper diet and other factors, the special position of the female uterus in the pelvis is the most important reason. In this special period, if you feel free to beat, not only can not achieve any effect, it will lead to increased pelvic congestion, back pain more serious. At the same time, women’s resistance will be reduced at this time, inappropriate external force is not conducive to the wound healing after endometrial stripping, more likely to cause infection and acute and chronic gynecological diseases.
目的:探讨平均血小板质量(mean platelet mass,MPM)在儿童川崎病(Kawasaki disease,KD)早期诊断中的应用价值. 方法:分别测定117例急性期川崎病患儿的MPM与血小板计数(PLT)
  Background: Candida.albicans, as an opportunistic pathogen, can cause superficial and life-threatening candidiasis in immunocompromised individuals.The form