
来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxy135
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法国邮政是国家的公共服务部门,具有广泛的社会性、服务性。同时,它实行企业化经营,接受社会竞争。因此,它必须面向市场、面向用户,不断改善经营管理,以提高社会效益和企业自身效益。为了在竞争中发展,他们的经营策略是: 一、面向市场,勇于竞争。信函是法国邮政的垄断业务,但只占业务总量的30%,其余70%的业务面临着社会的激烈竞争。这部分业务如果不能在竞争中取胜,不仅给邮政部门造成极大的经济损失,而且会使二十万邮政职工失业。因此,他们十分注意市场,经常调查市场,研究市场,采取各种措施为社会提供高效优质的通信服务。如他们把提高通信质量,加快邮件传递速度作为自己的指导方针,规定在全国范围内,一类邮件次日上午投递,包裹次日投递,二类信 France Post is the country’s public service sector, with a wide range of social and service. At the same time, it implements enterprise management and accepts social competition. Therefore, it must be market-oriented and user-oriented to continuously improve its management and administration so as to enhance social benefits and the self-efficiency of enterprises. In order to develop in the competition, their business strategy is: First, market-oriented, the courage to compete. The letter is the monopoly business of France Post, but only accounts for 30% of the total business volume. The remaining 70% of the business faces fierce competition from the society. If this part of the business can not win the competition, it will not only cause tremendous economic losses to the postal service, but also result in the unemployment of 200,000 postal workers. Therefore, they pay great attention to the market, constantly investigate the market, study the market and take various measures to provide society with efficient and high quality communication services. If they regard improving the quality of communication and speeding up the speed of mail delivery as their guidelines, they stipulate that in the nationwide, the mailings of the first type of mail will be delivered the next morning, the package will be delivered the next day, and the second type of letter
1966年Ramirez首先将支气管肺泡灌洗术(bronchoalveolar lavage,BAL)应用于一侧全肺灌洗治疗肺泡蛋白沉积症以来,后人在积累经验,改进操作技术基础上,使BAL的应用范围不断扩
应用蝮蛇抗栓酶治疗脑血栓,近些年来相继有报道,总有效率83~100%。本院1988年11月~1989年6月,应用蝮蛇抗栓酶治疗脑血栓30例,现将临床观察结果报告如下: 一般资料本组病例共62