
来源 :中国电机工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayagrace8
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通过一维计算和准三维计算,对地面重型F级中低热值燃气轮机透平进行了方案设计与优化。由一维优化结果指导准三维计算,并对结果进行优化。计算结果表明,通过一维优化计算,效率提高0.8%,末级更接近轴向出气,在第2、3级静叶流道存在跨声速流动;准三维计算结果中,由于第1级冷却空气量较大,冷却空气掺混损失在总损失中占有较大比例,二次流损失是影响总损失沿叶高分布的重要因素;准三维优化使损失降低,在第3级静叶中,损失较优化前大幅度降低。参考一般F级的透平气动设计的经验,讨论燃气轮机方案设计,探讨如何选择确定一维参数、准三维参数,并进行优化,从而为燃气轮机的透平部分的工程设计提供参考。 Through one-dimensional calculation and quasi-three-dimensional calculation, the design and optimization of the heavy-duty F-class medium and low calorific value gas turbine turbine was carried out. The quasi-three-dimensional calculation is guided by the one-dimensional optimization results and the results are optimized. The results show that the efficiency is improved by 0.8% and the final stage is closer to the axial outlet through the one-dimensional optimization calculation. At the second and third stage, there are transonic flows in the stator vanes. In quasi-3D calculation, The larger the amount of cooling air mixing loss occupies a larger proportion of the total loss, secondary flow loss is an important factor affecting the total loss along the leaf height distribution; quasi-three-dimensional optimization to reduce the loss in the third stage vane, the loss Significantly lower than before optimization. Referring to the experience of the general F-class turbine aerodynamic design, the gas turbine design is discussed, and how to choose one-dimensional parameters and quasi-three-dimensional parameters is selected and optimized so as to provide reference for engineering design of the turbine turbine section.
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