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据路透社吉隆坡讯,商业及健康专家认为,亚洲在对待HIV/艾滋病威胁这个问题上,已经远远落后于非洲国家,如果亚洲国家不致力于改变现状的话,将会面临巨大的社会和经济灾难。 在亚洲,已有7百万人感染了HIV病毒,但公众在这方面的知识却仍然少得可怜,也没有相应的政治措施来处理这个问题。马来西亚渣打银行首席执行官John Kivits认为,非洲国家在这个问题的处理上领先于亚洲。渣打银行每天都有约10%的雇员因为HIV/艾滋病相关问题而请假,因此Kivits认为这已经成为一个巨大的社会经济问题。但是这位在马来西亚仅待了6个月的首席执行官已经意识到,亚洲人对HIV/艾滋病带来的威胁还没有足够的认知。日前, According to the Reuters news from Kuala Lumpur, business and health experts believe that Asia has fallen far behind African countries in terms of the threat of HIV/AIDS. If Asian countries are not committed to changing the status quo, they will face enormous social and economic disasters. . In Asia, 7 million people have been infected with HIV, but the public’s knowledge in this area is still very poor, and there are no corresponding political measures to deal with this issue. John Kivits, chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank of Malaysia, believes that African countries are ahead of Asia in dealing with this issue. Every day, about 10% of Standard Chartered Bank employees are asked for leave because of HIV/AIDS related issues, so Kivits believes this has become a huge socio-economic problem. But the chief executive who has only spent six months in Malaysia has realized that Asians do not have enough knowledge of the HIV/AIDS threat. Recently,
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于兰,电影《红岩》江姐的扮演者,我国著名表演艺术家,原中国儿童电影制片厂厂长。她为我国少年儿童呕心沥血,为下一代的健康成长奉献了一位老艺术家的壮丽年华。 Yu Lan, ac
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树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)是一种重要的免疫辅佐细胞,是体内最有效的专职抗原提呈细胞(APC),具有强大的激活静息T细胞、激发初次免疫应答的独特功能。在肿瘤免疫治疗中
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